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Seasons -  Wordsearch

Seasons - Wordsearch

A collection of differentiated wordsearches based on the four seasons - Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. Suitable for Key Stage 2.
St David article

St David article

Newspaper article on one of St Davids most famous miracles for Key Stage 2. Pupils will learn about this miracle and some of his others. Pupils will research into his other miracles and write their own newspaper report.
Six Nations Rugby

Six Nations Rugby

Worksheet that looks at the different countries taking part in the Six Nations rugby tournament. Key Stage 2 pupils can compare the six nations to see how they differ e.g. population, capital cities, famous people,languages. Pupils can also do their own research into these countries.
Comprehension - All things Welsh!

Comprehension - All things Welsh!

Comprehension work based on traditional Welsh symbols - St.David, Love Spoons, St.Dwynwen and Leeks! Pupils read about these different iconic Welsh symbols before answering a variety of questions. Suitable for upper KS2.